Analysis Of Embrace The Remix By Kirby Ferguson

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In the video produced on TED “Embrace the Remix” by Kirby Ferguson, he discusses the importance of understanding that “creativity comes from without not from within and that we are not self made but dependent on each other” (Ferguson, 2012). Ferguson discusses how everything is a remix and defines remixing as copying, transforming, and combining. He makes a logical sound argument through the use of logical fallacies to convince his viewers. Ferguson argues how remixing helps creativity through the use of logos by providing cases of Steve Jobs building off ideas, appealing to ethos with poisioning the wall fallacy, and emotionally appeal to the viewers through pathos with appeal to tradition. Ferguson focuses on the importance of creativity and how much we can build off of each others ideas. Remixing is using tools already invented to build new products, it opens a door to an on going process of new inventions and ideas. Ferguson shows the importance and the huge effect remixing has on our music industry and even technology on today’s market. Remixing gives …show more content…

The first way he supported his argument was through the use of ethos. Ferguson provided ethos fallacy poisoning the well. Poisoning the well is an argument approach where they discredit a view different from their own. in 1996 Steve Jobs stated “Picasso had a saying. He said, "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." And we have, you know, always been shameless about stealing great ideas” (Ferguson, 2012). But in 2010 his view on this so called great artist steal method was quickly reversed when Steve Jobs was the one getting remixed. "I 'm going to destroy Android because it 's a stolen product. I 'm willing to go thermonuclear war on this” (Ferguson, 2012). In the video Ferguson even got a laugh out of the audience by how hypocritical Steve Jobs had sounded in two different interviews only a few years

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