Why School Should Start Later

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Amelia pounds on the alarm clock at dawn in exhaustion. She falls right back asleep since she has hit the SNOOZE button yet again. She then hears the footsteps of her parents walking the hallway that leads to her room. Suddenly a loud scream ringing in her ears signaling for her to wake up once again. She knows that the bus will be here soon to pick her up for school. So, she drags her half-awake body out from underneath her sheets, staggers toward the bathroom, and hits the wall both literally and figuratively. This is a typical morning for not only Amelia but most adolescents as they battle the early morning start times of schools. Therefore, teenagers need school to start at a later time. Schools must start later for teenagers because of health issues, educational reasons, and increase injuries/ deaths. …show more content…

Teenagers sleeping more will enhance their academic performances. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, states that “a lack of sleep impacts performance by reducing concentration, creating attention deficits, slowing reaction times, increasing distractibility, impairing decision-making skills and causing forgetfulness.”This quote shows, the importance of sleeping beneficially can improve throughout the academic skills. However, the parent work schedule is the main problem. If school starts later, it will be very difficult to drop kids off at school and still make it work on time. According to Amy R. Wolfson, a psychology professor at the College of the Holy Cross "The other piece of it is we're very strict about letting them out of school to go to athletic events, except for state tournaments. The vast majority of high school athletes will not be making their living by sports. It will be by academic abilities," Mr. Conrad said. "With such an early start time, we weren't working efficiently." In conclusion, sleeping longer has a higher chance of increasing scholastic

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