Understanding Physical Anthropology: The Study of Bones and Teeth

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There are many reasons why physical anthropologists study bones and teeth in their studies. Forensic anthropologists study the forensic aspects of anthropology, which can help law enforcement with solving criminal cases. Causes of death, lifestyle habits, and biological differences are three of the most frequently studied. Physical anthropology is the study of human biology with the framework of evolution with an emphasis of the interaction between biology and culture. They study primarily genetics, nutrition, evolutionary biology, and the human growth and development. Causes of death when it comes to studying bones and the teeth of humans is crucial for physical anthropology. Disease, natural death, murder, and accidental death are all examples …show more content…

Age can affect the bone development and growth of children if they are not getting the proper nutrients while growing up making it so that it can affect their bone development as adults later in life giving many life long complications. Men and women have different skeleton and bone structures, which can help determine the sex of the human after they have passed away. Determine in the age of a skeleton can also be founded by x-raying long bones, examining the pubic symphysis, and observing dental attrition. Sexual dimorphism are anatomical features that help distinguish the sex of a species. Women tend to have exaggerated pelvic and diminutive cranial features, coccyx is more moveable, and their joint surface is smaller. Men typically have diminutive pelvic and exaggerated pelvic features, their coccyx is less moveable, and their joint surface is larger. We can use genetic information of the deceased persons family members who have also passed away to try and determine biological differences in the bones and teeth of the person who had passed away. This information can be difficult to get ahold of, but can be very helpful when trying to close a case of the deceased

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