Why People Should Be Able To Carry A Gun For Protection

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Carrying a gun for protection is very vital this day in age with all the terrorism and crime all around the world. The Federal Government should allow people to be able to carry a gun for protection, because of all the terrorism and shootings all around the world, people need to protect themselves, and more importantly their children. Over this essay I will preview 3 reasons why people should be able to carry a gun, these reasons are as follows, Self Defense, Will Reduce Crime, Keeping Others Safe. In conclusion, carrying a gun for protection should be a topic for government to discuss.

Carrying a gun for protection is important because it will reduce crime. Evidence is as follows, states that implemented "shall-issue" concealed carry laws reduced murders by 8.5%, rapes by 5%, aggravated assaults by 7%, and robbery by 3%, according to a 2000 analysis of FBI crime data. If you have a state that allows you to carry a gun there is gonna be reduced crime. There is gonna be reduced crime because if bad guys know people can carry guns they are gonna rethink what they are going do. Another reason why people should be able to carry a gun is as follows, the CATO Institute concluded that this …show more content…

Evidence states that a 2013 survey of 15,000 current and retired police officers found that 91.3% support the concealed carry of guns by civilians. When you have a gun on you it also keeps people around you safe other than yourself and family. There were 464,033 total gun deaths between 1999 and 2013: 270,237 suicides (58.2% of total deaths); 174,773 homicides (37.7%); and 9,983 unintentional deaths (2.2%). Keeping others safe will also want other states to have gun control if they see a news story about how a man with a gun saved 100 people's life when an armed bad guy tried to shoot them. In conclusion, carrying a gun to keep others safe including yourself is a very good

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