Why People Change Their Body Image

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Why do people change their body image? People change their body image for social acceptance, psychological issues, and personal acceptance. They want to fit the image the social media says is right. “Body image is a product of our minds and our imaginations, rather than a fact, or something that is fixed or set in stone. A person’s body image can change from day to day, or even over longer periods of time” (Fitzhugh). Also, when people have a good body image, they tend to be healthier and take care of themselves. Like for instance, Derrick Rose has a good body image. He carries himself well and is healthy. “Body image is linked with health in several ways. When people have a positive body image, they tend to feel good about themselves generally and are in touch with their bodies, and this can lead to them taking care of themselves in a healthy way” (Fitzhugh 5). A lot of people think they are gross, fat, etc. Which in reality, they probably aren’t. They are just used to what everyone says we have to look like. For example, girls have to be super skinny and guys have to be really muscular. “Body image is most simply defined as the mental image that we have formed concerning how we see our physical self. Sensations from both outside and within our bodies teach us the totality of our bodies” (Izgic) One of the other ways or reasons people change their body image is they want social acceptance. Now this can be negative comments, they want to fit in, and want approval from peers, coaches, family, teachers, etc. Negative comments can come from anyone. If you are uncertain or not confident in an area and someone says something negative about it, you start to try and change that particular thing. “If we already had a doubt about oursel... ... middle of paper ... ...19 Feb. 2014. Rauff, Erica L., and Danielle Symons Downs. "Mediating Effects of Body Image Satisfaction on Exercise Behavior, Depressive Symptoms, and Gestational Weight Gain in Pregnancy." Annals of Behavioral Medicine 42.3 (2011): 381-90. ProQuest. Web. 21 Feb. 2014. Smith, Tammie. “Body Image Can Be a Major Self-Esteem Concern.” Richmond Times-Dispatch. 2010: SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. Sneddon, Pamela Shires. Body Image A Reality Check. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 1999. Print. Willett, Edward. Negative Body Image. New York, NY: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2007. Print. Presnell, Katherine, Sarah Kate Bearman, and Mary Clare Madeley. “Body Dissatisfaction in Adolescent Females and Males: Risk and Resilience.” Prevention Researcher: 2007, SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 20 Feb 2014. http://villains.wikia.com/wiki/Hades_(Disney)

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