Why Is Identity Theft Important In The Workplace

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As technology is becoming more prominent as 21-century workers, it become apparent that identity theft, viruses, malware and security breaches occur that can leak out an individual’s personal information or a client’s information in the office setting. Protecting identity in the office setting is a vital role into maintaining a safe job without the anxiety of identity theft. Data security is an issue that affects all businesses in the office setting, both big and small. All of these threats are gaining momentum as a crime that is conspicuous in American society. When a client goes to a business, they assume to have their data and information protected; which can cause a barrier into publicizing personal information. As technology is progressing, …show more content…

This can include being subscribed to emails, social networking, mailing lists and credit cards, which are not in use. Unfortunately, it is possible that in one of these various ways, as identity theft will occur among others wanting to steal your identity. An email can quickly be issued around that can make you a victim of identity theft by surpassing suspicion and by looking like a secure company. Credit cards are a huge factor into knowing where personal information can easily be traced, so it’s important to cancel our credit cards that are not in use. At times, when condoned to credit cards, it may be conceivable that they will send suitability checks. If not needed, the individual can ask to be removed from that mailing list. It is also recommended to use credit cards that have the photo on them. Although many people may not want their photos to be shown, it benefits in the wisdom that if someone were to take the credit card away, and they were to obtain an item- a photo identification would be required. When buying online, make sure it’s from a trusted website because although many websites seem confidential- but will con money and even have the opportunity to giveaway information once they are provided with credit card …show more content…

Proficient computer security will include the use of sturdy passwords for all the accounts that need to be accessed in the workplace. Determining how resilient the password is in the office computer will determine how problematical attack methods will be essential. Often, with so many passwords that are demanded, it becomes effortless to use the identical password, but if one person can access one password, they can access all with the same password. The methods of trying to accessing the computer will be less when obtaining a strong password. A compelling password in the workplace would include not using their username, long in character count and contains numerals, uppercase, lowercase and symbols if possible. Also, try to change password frequently to prevent others from decoding it. Also, when typing password, make sure the words can’t be seen on the computer and no other workers are observing. When deciding to have strong passwords, this can prevent company sanctuary against people who do not have permission to access imperative documents. Another form of security in office computers is using a firewall. When using a firewall system, it will prevent unauthorized people or programs to access from a private network. Firewalls provide defense in enforcing network security safety. Firewalls should be utilized throughout the workplace to prevent personal

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