Why Is Gun Control Important Essay

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The bloodshed has shocked the US, leading President Barack Obama to call for calm. At least 64 law enforcement officers had been shot and killed this year, the most in five years. The shooters in the incidents did not have permits that they needed to be carrying the gun they had. Only thirty-one states allow the open carrying of a handgun without any license or permit. Do we really want anyone without a permit to carry a handgun in our states? Then going around shooting law enforcement and innocent people. Concealed weapon holders need to have a permit to carry a weapon because it will help saves lives,take the bad people off the street, and lower crime rates.
Americans need to start saving innocent people killed in gun violence. It wasn't …show more content…

It is clearly in the interests of children and families to reduce gun violence in the United States. Each day, on an average, 13 children under the age of 19 are killed by gunfire and more are injured (“"Does the U.S. Need Tougher Gun-Control Laws”) One can not letting these poor incient people die because of gun violence. Our president has been pushing stricter gun laws for a long to and we need them to pass the laws. An alternative to gun control is a mandatory sentences for persons who commit crimes with firearm will produce greater reductions in crime and require less sacrifice on the part of gun owners than gun‐control laws. If one could catch them criminal they would go straight to jail and this would be good because maybe it would change the criminal's mind when they are in jail. According to a recent National Journal analysis of data from 2013, "the states that im­pose the most re­stric­tions on gun users also have the low­est rates of gun-re­lated deaths, while states with few­er reg­u­la­tions typ­ic­ally have a much high­er death rate from guns(“"Gun Control and Crime”). The author is trying to prove that the statistics show if our state had stricter laws our crime rate would go down. Why should one sit back and let this keep happening when we could help put a stop to this issue. One may suggest new laws to help lower the crime

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