Why Is Eugene Debs Unethical

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Eugene V. Debs was born on November 5, 1855 in Terre Haute IN. He took interest into politics, so the first organization he enter was the Democratic City Clerk. He also made his way into the railroad industry by forming the American railroad union in 1892. Debs lead most of the strikes including the Great Northern railway. He gained support when he was taken to jail, because he was trying to help the Chicago Pullman Palace Car Company go on strike. I believe most of his decision was him trying to relate himself as a common man. The movement was made to help people get what they deserve. Basically during his lifetime he was in organization trying to help a common man and woman; he was a socialist. The article relates to him because he was a socialist he believe that people should get treated like actually human instead of being treated unfairly . The poor conditions and the hours were not worth the low wages. The children were also working the factories. So the families would hardly be home. That impact cause them to seem like they were enslaved by the companies. Debs believe that it was really unfair because without the people the factories or companies had no one doing the labor. The human relation became really indirect and direct which play a big part in the controversy. With the …show more content…

Get the actually thing they deserve example would be better working conditions.“I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence.” He said this because the people that are really wealth arent understand what the people who makes their money. Those people are the ones who keep the money flow into their pockets, but they don't realize without them they wouldn't be able to make any

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