Why Is Daisy Important In The Great Gatsby

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One could have their whole life handed to them. Someone could have a wealthy childhood, be married into one of the richest families in America at the time and still not be happy. After years of expensive houses and cars someone could still not be satisfied with her life and make selfish decisions to try to make herself happy but hurt others in the process. In the end the only person who matters is yourself. Someone who did more than just cared about herself was Daisy Buchanan. In the novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald an almost perfect scenario is set up: the 1920’s when many people were drowning in money, parties and alcohol. The reader learns about some of the richest characters and some of the poorest. One important character …show more content…

Daisy’s relationship with Tom was not a loving marriage it was an abusive, superficial act to benefit both parties. Their relationship problems began before they were even married; on the night of Daisy and Tom’s wedding, Daisy received a note from Gatsby so she threw a fit wanting to call off the wedding. “She groped around in a wastebasket she had on the bed and pulled out the string of the pearls. “Take ‘em down-stairs and give ‘em back to whoever they belong to. Tell ‘em all Daisy’s change’ her mind. Say: “Daisy change’ her mind!” (Fitzgerald 76) Daisy married Tom knowing she was still in love with Gatsby. Why would someone drag one of their old lovers into their new marriage? Daisy was too selfish to be honest with Tom and not marry him knowing she wanted to be with someone else. Daisy was not honest with her husband either when she began seeing Gatsby. This was the real start to when Daisy’s decisions lead to the death of Myrtle Wilson and Jay Gatsby. Daisy would sneak over to Gatsby’s house and see him behind Tom’s back. “I wanted somebody who wouldn’t gossip. Daisy comes over quite often- in the afternoons.” (Fitzgerald 114) When Daisy began seeing Gatsby there was an obvious change in Tom but Daisy never thought to address it. “Who is this Gatsby anyhow?” demanded Tom suddenly. “Some big bootlegger?” (Fitzgerald 106) If Daisy had taken the time to make her affair less obvious or to …show more content…

If Daisy hadn’t made Gatsby think that they were in love again and going to be together forever then Gatsby wouldn’t have been blamed for the murder of Myrtle Wilson which later resulted in Gatsby being shot by Myrtle’s husband George. Daisy flirted with Gatsby “I’d like to just get one of those pink clouds and put you it in it and push you around.” (Fitzgerald 94) This was the first time Daisy had been to Gatsby’s mansion and she is clearly being flirtatious with him knowing she has an aggressive husband that would do awful things to him if he had found out that she was there; let alone flirting with him. Daisy would openly do things with Gatsby in front of Tom like talk close or dance. “Gatsby and Daisy danced. I remember being surprised by his graceful, conservative foxtrot.” (Fitzgerald 105) Daisy even kissed Gatsby while having a husband who already was suspicious of something going on. “Then he kissed her. At his lips’ touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete.” (Fitzgerald

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