Why Is Bilingual Education Necessary

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Is bilingual education necessary? Nowadays everyone in the world have to talk in daily and business for their work it not only one group but we have to talk with others in different nation or country, and we will into the ASEAN everyone have to talk more, for this reason make studying two language is important for us.
Bilingual education has a lot of advantages the first is we can talk with others people who are a foreigners by professor like one answering in the topic “Why is Bilingual Education Important?” answered that Bilingual education is extremely important in the United States. First of all, the world is becoming smaller and smaller by the day because of globalization. The second reason the study of bilingual education is important is because of educational standards. Every country in the world uses English and at least one other foreign language in their educational systems. The third reason because of globalization we should not expect everyone in this world to learn English, we need to broaden ourselves as they have broadened themselves to learn a foreign language. It is also important because bilingual education gives the next generation a competitive edge over others who are not bilingual, and it also helps …show more content…

According to Merritt, 2013 you will become smarter, speaking a foreign language improves working of your brain by challenging it to learn, changing meaning, and communicate in different language systems. This skill improves your ability to change meaning in other problem-solving work as well and then when we become smarter the most important effect to us about our life is can get a good

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