Views on Bilingual Education in the US

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America is often referred to as the “Great Melting Pot” where many people of various ethnicities, cultures, etc have made their home. However, the primary language spoken in America is English, and most Americans believe that speaking English should be a requirement. Foreign students, whose primary language is not English, are usually automatically placed into bilingual educational programs. Bilingual education programs are used to edify students in the English language while they slowly transition from their native tongue into the American educational system. Sometimes these automatic placements have a negative effect on the students: the foreign students often do not receive the same amount of exposure of learning in one uniform language as other American students do. Nevertheless, there are more positive factors involved in offering bilingual education than there are negative. For most students who are offered bilingual education, positive benefits include a smooth transition into a new environment, increased awareness of their surroundings, and being the overall better-educated student.

A smooth transition into society is a necessity that only a few institutions like bilingual education can offer. Every year, hundred thousands of students enter the United States from all over the globe: in the 2008/09 school year, over 672,000 international students came to this country. While many are here to pursue higher studies in college, a great number of international students enroll in primary education. It is during these elementary educational years that developing speaking and social skills are vital. Language barriers present a hindrance in doing this effectively. Hence, public schools have instituted bilingual programs like ESL...

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...ansition into a new environment, understand the interactions around them, and learn more pleasantly. In conclusion, bilingual educational programs enhance the quality of life for those who are making America their home.

Works Cited

"Are People Who Speak More Than One Language Smarter? | Health | Learning English." News | English. Web. 08 Aug. 2011. .

"ESL - Term Definition |" How to Learn English Effectively. Web. 08 Aug. 2011. .

"Study Abroad Statistics: U.S. Students Abroad & International Students in the U.S." World Languages & Cultures - Learn Languages - Know Cultures - Visit Vistawide. Web. 08 Aug. 2011. .

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