Abraham Lincoln: An Inspirational Leader and Influencer

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“The best way to predict the future is to create it”. Abraham Lincoln, one of the most influential leaders of all time, quoted this. Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. He was a man who would stop at nothing to do the right thing. Abraham achieved many extraordinary things through out his life. During his time as president Lincoln abolished slavery, supported the community by signing many acts, had many useful and great qualities and inspired many of us in a very positive way, which is why he should definitely be at the top of the most influential leaders of all time list.

Abraham Lincoln is well known as he put a stop to slavery in America. He was a strong supporter of anti-slavery even before he was president. He thought that having slaves was wrong and all slaves should have legal …show more content…

He taught us to believe in yourself, which inspired many of us today. He showed great perseverance, which taught us that you should stand up for what you think is right. He always walked forward, gave inspiring speeches and great quotes. Abraham Lincoln did not only change many lives but he also inspired them.

Many people say that Abraham Lincoln was not an equality lover. Any intelligent person would see that Abraham Lincoln was more that just another American president. He was a man who fought for what he believed was right. He fought to free all slaves, which shows fairness. He also changed and created many laws to have justice and peace in America. He always carried on and fought what he believed was right. In conclusion, Abraham Lincoln is definitely the top most influential leader of all time. He legally freed all slaves in America. He displayed many leadership qualities, which included perseverance and faith. He always thought in the shoes of others and also influenced others in a magnificent way. Abraham Lincoln should undoubtedly be at the top of your most influential leaders of all time

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