Why Informative Essay: Why Is Climate Change So Important?

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Why is climate change so important? Is it because we all believe in the end of the world, grounded from a cooked-up theory suggesting our planet will explode as the temperature rises. Is the problem with the changing of the Earth, or is it with the people going against it? To the public, the effects of climate change are revealed to several as a formality which is rather forgotten, then intentionally ignored. But is this stance such an apologetic one to take. With the changes in the Earth’s environment, comes warmer weather, longer summers, longer vacations equaling more money. Isn’t money what people care about. Are we going to set aside the way we live to improve the ever-increasing temperature of the Earth? For a result, which bears no relevance …show more content…

What has changed over the years, to require you act now? The Earth has been around for a further longer time than all activists protesting today. Is now time to act against the natural progressions of the Earth. The heating of the Earth has been a continuous event, which is recognized by several as nature’s way of resetting itself. So, is climate change, the problem? I discover the answer to this question through the method in which humanity utilizes the Earth’s resources. The commonality between the two contradicting sides of climate change is represented through the resources at stake. Using our resources to complete or solve the simple task, utilizing our tools towards the betterment of common …show more content…

It is a problem driven out without a solution. The publication of George Marshall “Understand faulty thinking to tackle climate change” is a prime example of this notion. The Marshall begins his claim by providing the effects of climate change, in addition to the laisser-faire attitude of society in response. The author Marshall provides a data in support of his claim through a series of a cost-effect example of other issues. Issues of the cost effectiveness of the topic of terrorism, coupled with the cost on whether to act on an issue or not. This claim of the response of society is the bridge which the author uses as the cause of the issue of climate change at hand. As the author place the blame of the climate change on the reaction of man. The reaction which follows through in the mind of the consensus of people is of minimal to no interest at all. The counter argument given is through his notion of climate change being an event which will not simply go away, it is not a fad. Marshall presents the fact; climate change is real and what is more is in effect. Marshall places the blame of climate change on the use of the resource and the notion of “a distant problem that will require sacrifices now to avoid uncertain losses far in the future.” (Marshall) Proclaiming, the needs of the present outweighing the consequences

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