Why I Want To Go To Gender Studies

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As a junior, I have had to face the pressures of choosing what I want to do in the future. It seems so far away, but this is the only time I will be able to decide. I have looked into various career paths such as veterinarianism, phycology and a journalism. During my career exploration, I was asked one simple question that seemed so obvious, “you are interested now but, can you see yourself doing that for the rest of your life?” The answer was always “no” bringing me right back to square one. Then I came to the realization that I was the one thing I did not mind was going to school. All my friends dreaded it, but expanding my education and challenging myself is something you can not get anywhere else. That is why I have finally come to the …show more content…

It is a perfect time to be introduced to the course because many high schoolers still base their opinions on stereotypes. The course does a great job in destroying all the bias students had before taking the class. Teenage boys think they have an idea on what a gay man should look and act like. Teenage girls think they have an idea on what bulimia and anorexia look like. Both genders come to the epiphany that these labels are made up just to categorize people. A gay man does not have to be flamboyant and the anorexic girl is not always the cheerleader. Breaking these stereotypes has not only altered students minds, but how they act in society. The gender studies course is crucial for students to take before going to college. I have never been in a class where the conversation allows everyone to state their opinion and face no judgement. These opinion are quickly changed by the end of the year through a variety of ideas, projects and open discussions. The goal of this course is to inflict positivity and acceptance towards all of your peers because you’ll never know the internal struggles people face . One of my favorite class discussions was, femininity vs masculinity. This topic also intrigued me because this is not something everyone is comfortable with being exposed to. High School students are often uncomfortable with the idea of a straight man wearing makeup etc. Nobody should be assigned certain behaviors because of their gender. Being able to express one’s self is emphasized throughout the course. That is why I would be more than excited to eliminate these socially accepted

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