Why I Want To College Essay

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College has been persistently on my mind throughout my life. My mother has constantly told me ever since I began kindergarten that I must earn tip-top grades in order to continue my education into college. Although I always knew I wanted to advance to college, I could never decide which college I wanted to choose. I knew what interested me, but I did not know where to move to be fulfilled with my education. Until my sophomore year in high school. A college fair at my school began one day and there I first found out about Parkside. The college had a great looking campus, majors in my interest, and was only an hour and a half away. The first quality that interested me was the major in computer science. I love computers and have taken several classes on coding, website design and graphic design. When I noticed the majors I started to seriously consider Parkside. Later I took a school visit to grasp more about Parkside and to distinguish it for myself. The tour was extremely entertaining and excited me to no end. Venturing the dorms, classes, and hallways filled with college goers doing their business made me both exhilarated and determined to …show more content…

As I grew up, the attachment never paused. The only difference was that in high school, I started learning coding for websites and games. I also learned graphic design so I started to look at the games I was playing and websites I visit daily in a different way. This was because I knew how people made that certain icon that appears or display motion that pops up when the icon is clicked. I was so interested in game development that I took an 8 week course at Herzing University, for teens, about video game development and coding. There I learned how to design characters and weapons that are used in games along with the coding required to construct the games. At the end of the course I even received a transferable

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