Adversity In College Essay

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Conflicts and adversity arise every day, relationships form and come to an end, different doors of opportunities open while others slam shut. There is very little a person can do to avoid adversities in life. It is the reactions to these adversities that truly influence a person and are essential for growth and success to form from the situation. I have been faced with various adversities in my life, and one of the adversities I have been continuously been facing has been my college career thus far. Headed off to college, I thought I knew what I wanted. I thought the school I chose would be the school I would find my major in, a niche with best friends, and the four year experience I would fall in love with. As a senior in high school, I had no idea what I wanted to go to school for, but I knew I would continue my volleyball career, so I looked for a school that would fit that and all other criteria for my ideal school, and I would find the purpose of my schooling as I went. I started my freshman year of college optimistic about all the opportunities and simply of all the newness college would bring for me, as any freshman is. I began the …show more content…

I would begin studies a year behind and overload to stay on track to graduate with my class. From the uncertainty of making the change in schools to ending my most loved extracurricular activity injured, I found UNI to be a great fit for me. I know I can say with complete confidence that I found the right major for me, a great niche of friends, and having already some amazing experiences and opportunities here at the University of Northern Iowa. Without all the uncertainties and adversities that I wrestled with all last year, I would not be near as close to the contentment I have found in all the major changes that have occurred in my life

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