Why I Want To Be An Ob Gyn Essay

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An ob-gyn is what you probably refer to as just delivering babies but it’s a lot more then that. An obstetrician has to do with giving patients medicine, making sure a patient and the baby are healthy for a long nine months, being the one their for the delivery process, etc. To be an obstetrician/ gynecology, you have to go to school for quite some years but not just that also training classes. When in college learning to be an ob-gyn, you get to experience a lot of hands on things which is always fun! Last but not least before I begin to explain lots of things about an ob-gyn is that being an obstetrician takes a lot of work and effort but it entertains me more than any other career. To become an ob-gyn it takes a lot. You need to have a completion of an undergraduate bachelor degree, followed by a doctorate of medicine degree. Pre- medical courses in general chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and biology are required of all applicants. Experience and a full medical license tend to be required. Working under pressure may seem like a lot but after so much experience, it gets easier. Soon to be obstetricians tend to go to college for eight to ten years and work very long hours. Enjoying medicine and surgery helps you enjoy your job more. …show more content…

An obstetrician is guaranteed a raise between 10-15 percent a year once a doctor secures a 3 year contract. Depending on where the ob-gyn is employed, they can receive productivity bonuses. These types of bonuses tend to be for the more experienced doctors. Several health care providers will be cooperative to the idea that the ob-gyn should receive a bonus based on productivity, and this bonus can be up to an additional 20 percent of the physician’s base salary. However, as an obstetrician gains experience, they can expect their annual salaries to increase, especially obstetrician becomes certified in a special

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