Why I Love Softball Persuasive Essay

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I love softball, I love playing at least. It started about two years ago when I thought why not I could play softball. All of my cousins played and it was really fun. Why not give it a go but there is one problem what team would I play on? Does it have to be a certain team or can it be any team at all? Well I guess I will just try and see what happens, but what do you think will happen? So, for about 2 years now I have wanted to play softball, but I don't know what team to play on and if I had missed sign ups or not. If I did I'm not too worried about it, because I didn't even know if softball is the right sport for me. For example, I have to be able to go to every practice plus school work and if I am even any good at it. What if I can't hit or catch or even throw the ball to the person or to Narnia. What I am trying to say is can I even play or is it a lost cause even trying out for the team? If I could even find a team plus I would need to remind my dad every ten minutes to look it up for him just to say ¨I will in a second let me just finish this movie.¨ Or for him to say ¨I will later tonight.¨ I just wish I had a team and was already playing. …show more content…

I know a team I think it is called Wreck but do I even know if I want to play anymore. I still can't give up I still got to try after all the work I have gone through practicing. I will search up the team and see if there is still sign ups. I played catch almost everyday for over a month now I can't just give up. No Matter how much I try I don't think I can get over my anxiety of not getting in. You may be wondering why well you can't just play on the team you have to try out which is going to be difficult but possible, but will I get

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