Why I Deserve A Mdc Scholarship

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I would greatly appreciate an MDC Scholarship because it I know that I am capable of fulfilling a dream of continuing my education as a young student. I also believe I am deserving of this scholarship because it takes perseverance to become the next president, business women, and or teacher of the future.
This scholarship will impact my future as to believe that I can work hard towards anything that I believe I can do. Such as, applying for an MDC scholarship shows that I am tremendously serious about furthering my education. Also this scholarship will help me as a future educator to help others go forward in pursue education rather than give up.
An organization would be feeding the homeless. Through this I learned the importance of feeding those who are unfortunate, and being a helping hand to those who need an helping hand. Feeding the homeless is demonstrated to give without saying “no” so thorough this I am able to help as much people and make a difference in the world. I also learned the value of having compassion rather than posing judgment on others. It is a great experience to help people and to put a smile on those who feel either hopeless or abandoned. And it was a great experience …show more content…

Drew Middle School and North Miami Middle School. It was an honor I was able to assist the teachers with the students such as, helping the students with their reading assignments. My major is English Literature and Education, so I was able to help the students in an area that enjoy doing. I remembered during my experience I was able to help a student who had insecurity of believing that they were not bright or intelligent. I was able to share my story and it too was similar. During that time I was able to do what I love, cherish, and adore. Every day I would come with expectance in my heart. Also I learned that everyone has different ways of learning and it unique because it’s who they

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