Why I Chose Radiography

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Topic 1 I choose radiography because I thought the idea of being able to capture an image that not everybody can see is fascinating. When I first started college I didn’t even consider majoring in radiography. I was so set on being a nurse that I didn’t consider any other healthcare fields. When I realized that I no longer wanted to be a nurse, I decided to do some research on other careers in the healthcare industry; this led me to radiography. After doing more defined research on radiography, I was set on pursuing it for a degree. The thought of being able to control a machine that would allow me to see inside the human body excited me. The science behind capturing images is so fascinating because it reminds me of magic (I’m a big Harry Potter fan). To an outsider, it is magic, but I want to understand the science behind the magic. The reason why I choose radiography …show more content…

I don’t see myself earning a bachelor’s degree for my future, but if something came along that required me to earn a bachelor’s then I would definitely go back to school. I do, however, find interest in a couple of the modalities that radiography has to offer. After working as a diagnostic radiographer for a couple of years, I would like to earn a certificate in Computed Tomography or Magnetic Resonance Imaging. I think that either one of those would be equally satisfying in leveling up in my career. I would most likely want earn one of those certificates from Sinclair because I think that this department is amazing. As far as what I would do with my degree and certification, I would want to practice or manage; I don’t see myself getting into the sales or education. I will most likely be active in the local community of radiographers and possibly state, but I don’t see myself too active in any national societies. I feel that my activity in societies will all depend on my future with a possible

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