Why Guns Are Bad

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The leading cause of deaths in the United States involve firearms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, “The firearm homicide rate in the 50 largest MSAs collectively was 5.2 per 100,000 persons per year”. The American government is trying to decrease the rates of firearm crimes and killings by limiting firearms to only government use, but they are going in the wrong direction. Guns are not always used for immoral reasons; individuals with good morals use guns for hunting and protection, while a bad person is going to use firearms no matter what the law is. Firstly, guns are used by individuals to kill animals for food. People who live in the country and around woods use their guns to hunt. If the government decides to take away the rights for hunters to use guns, then many people could starve. Many hunters are dependent on their game for income and to help the local economy. Proven by the journal artical, Effects of Fishing and Hunting Expenditures On A Local Colorado Economy, states, “Colorado’s population is 3600 and the primary economic activities are recreation services and agriculture.” Also, if hunters did not …show more content…

Many men and women in the United States have guns with them everywhere they go. The newspaper article, Armed and ready: More in Orange County are turning to guns for protection, proves that due to danger people tend to get guns for protection, by stating, “In addition, spurred partly by recent terror attacks, mass shootings and the prospect of new gun control regulations, the number of firearms sold or transferred in the county last year increased to 3 1/2 times the 2010 count, according to Department of Justice records.” If the government took this right away from the citizens of the United States, violence would rise because the criminals would know that the victims will not be able to fight back or stop

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