Why Dress Codes Should Not Be Allowed In Schools

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Why dress codes shouldn’t be allowed in schools.
“DON’T HUMILATE HER BECAUSE SHE IS WEARING SHORTS IT IS HOT OUTSIDE. INSTEAD OF SHAMING GIRLS FOR THEIR BODIES. TEACH BOYS THAT GIRLS ARE NOT SEXUAL OBJECTS”. If anything I feel like teaching young girls to cry “sexism” just because they can’t wear what they want to school is an insult to every woman who had ever suffered true discrimination.
There are so many reasons why dress codes should be banned from schools. In one of those reasons is because they teaching girl that the way they dress is more important than their education, while I was reading an article (Roshell) said “At track on a hot day a bunch of guys are running shirtless it’s acceptable, but if a girl is wearing a bright-colored sport bra that’s showing through her white shirt, she’ll be asked to change because it’s distracting. Instead of teaching girls to cover up, we should be teaching everyone to stop sexualizing every aspect of a girl’s body” says Emily, 16 year old, a junior at Santa Barbara. I totally agree with this, for so many years girls are seen as sexual toys, were seen as an object. Schools are teaching girls that a guy’s education is more important than our own. …show more content…

When it’s hot outside almost summer, the air is getting warmer, people would like to wear shorts, dresses, and leggings but of course the school policy won’t allow it. In May, 30 female and male students were sent home after protesting the dress code at their school in Canada by wearing tank tops on a hot day. It was a teachable moment one student told the International Business Times that teachers used the incident to explain how boys can be distracted by just a bare shoulder. Student Maddie Pynn disagreed, giving the quote saying that “a shoulder shouldn’t make anyone uncomfortable, and if it does, you’re the

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