Why Does White Privilege Exist

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There is racial privilege, gender privilege, heterosexual privilege, religious privilege, and many others (Gay 16). There are reasons behind many of these privileges. Though not many people agree with these privileges and why they exist, they are there. Gender privilege is not fair, but it is, in a way, understandable. It is factually shown that men are naturally stronger than women. What people don’t account for is that women can work harder and be just as equally strong as men.
Unlike gender privilege, racial privilege does not have reasoning behind it. There are no facts behind why white people have privilege. Why does white privilege exist? Are there facts that make white people superior to others? The simple answer is no. It’s simply the opinions of the white population throughout history that quickly …show more content…

White people must accept that they have privilege for this specific problem to be fixed. When white men are accused of having white privilege, they say it is not their fault that they are white to somehow discount their privilege (Gay 17). Even though many people discount their privilege because they think that it will make us equal by doing so, it does the opposite. It makes black people look stupid, in a way. Saying that there is no privilege leads to the question, “What separates us then?”
White privilege has no reason to exist. Throughout history, all that has fueled this false sense of superiority is racism and hate. Though it should not exist, it does, and it is still an ongoing problem. Police brutality is unacceptable. No human deserves to be killed due to the color of skin that they were born with. No human should be judged due to their complexion. No one single human should get off with acting as judge, jury, and executioner. It is simply not reasonable for these problems to be happening in this time period and for them to be acceptable to some

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