Why Do Students Should Be More Free

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Students Should be More Free
Are you one of those students who scribbles on his paper in the middle of class because you are bored to death? Do you hate school? What if I told you that you don’t hate school? You hate the classes you take. It’s not your fault though. You don’t choose those classes. Think, if you were able to take the classes of your choice, you would love school! The issue is students feel like they are trapped, and they have no control over their decisions. If students were allowed responsibility over their decisions, they wouldn’t be as bored. Students should be able to take more classes of their choice. Teachers get discouraged with students who aren’t motivated (McCombs). It is hard to teach unmotivated students because …show more content…

McCombs followed a group of students around to all of their classes. She noticed some classes students interacted and were behaved. Other classes they were rowdy and misbehaved (Dr. McCombs). This shows that some classes they learn a lot and others they learn little. Why do they want to learn in some classes and not in others? They might like the teacher more, but a big reason is they like that field and want to go into it. Consequently, they listen and learn better. Students are said to “burnout” or lose desire in school when they have no control over their decisions in school. When you feel powerless you are uninspired to learn and put in the work (Kohn). Everybody wants to succeed, and when they make a decision they want to make it the right one. They want to be right. Schools don’t work with students in their education. They use a mix of punishments to force students to go to their classes (Kohn). The other side argues that students are too young to make smart decisions (Kohn). This is wrong because students know what they enjoy and have an idea of what field they want to go into. The other side also argues students may make their schedule too easy. They might make it easy, but if they are taking classes they enjoy it will be easy because they will want to interact and do the

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