Why Do Students Should Not Have Freedom Of Speech

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Should schools take students Freedom of Speech? Schools should not be able to limit free speech. Firstly, it is unconstitutional. Without freedom of speech, nothing will change. Though it will help with behavioral problems now, it can cause more in the long run. Let me explain. First of all, the freedom of speech is an amendment in the bill of rights, which means that it cannot be taken from us. In the preamble of the constitution, it states We the people in order to form a more perfect union, which means a country that is nearly perfect, that doesn't take away a persons right to talk freely. So, I believe that taking the students' freedom to speak freely should be punishable, because our forefathers clearly stated against it. The punishments for being unconstitutional are losing the democracy of our country, the structure and much more. If we start taking away students' freedom of speech then it gets easier to take away average citizens freedom of speech and so on and so forth. Also by taking away the students' freedom of speech, the students don't learn as well because the teachers get lazier and students cannot object to it. Then when they grow up, they haven't learned correctly and slowly our country crumbles. …show more content…

Well let's say that a new form of lunch is introduced that everyone hates, but because they can't speak of their own free will, they can't say that they don't like

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