Why Do Students Get Smarter?

715 Words2 Pages

Did you know that students/children socialize and get smarter using the internet!
Students tend to talk more on the internet instead of reality, also students use resources like Youtube and Khan Academy to get smarter if they don't understand a subject.
Therefore, children/students get more socialized/smarter while they are using the internet. Many students/children use many apps to get social/smart.
Students/children use many apps for them to get more social/smarter. students use apps like Youtube, Khan Academy, Quizlets to get more smarter and they start learning this technique on their own. usually, these apps help students with their learning and understanding so much better. “Learners can be active makers and shapers of their own learning. They should be supported in using technologies of their own choice.” …show more content…

Children do tend to get smarter/social on the internet and most of the students to use apps to get social/smarter like Instagram, khan academy, twitter, Quizlet, youtube and many

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