Why Do Refugees Immigrate Canada

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First of all, when refugees immigrate to Canada, they’ll get many benefits. First, in Lebanon, refugees are suffering from many social and economical problems. To specify, they are excluded from social life and they are barred from owning property. In addition, a lot of them are enduring from vagrancy, hunger, and illiteracy. Indeed, many refugees live in poor condition homing where there are water leaking through walls and roof made from corrugated iron and wood. In addition, they are not well-educated .to clarify, most of them have not received brevet or left schools early .Also, all the dimensions of poverty, such as economic status, housing, health, food security, and education can be applied to these refugees . A3. UNRWA and the American University in Beirut, socioeconomic survey of Palestinian Refugees in …show more content…

Second, many economical and social advantages will be offered for refugees. To illustrate, the Canadian government helped the refugees that immigrated to it by offering them allowance and social assistance .Consequently, Canada will offer them with a better and secure place to live in. To shed light on Morton (2005) who states that “Canada is one of roughly 150 countries to have signed a UN Convention, signalling a commitment to protect the persecuted and stateless. Canada is also part of a much smaller group of these Convention signatories about 20 - who offer not just temporary protection, but the option of permanent resettlement”. Last, gathering them in one country will lead to a lot of psychological advantages for refugees. In fact, they’ll feel like they’re living in their country and with their relatives which will make them feel more comfortable and satisfied. Also, that will help them to raise their children in the same that they were brought up in and thus they’ll preserve their culture and traditions. Accordingly, refugees will live in safe and suitable

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