Why Do Mentally Ill Criminals Affected By Lack Of Structure

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Sometimes people and things are not as organized as we hope they should be and this could simply be caused by the lack of structure. Structure is a word that can be merely defined as to “construct or arrange according to a plan; or to give a pattern or organization to”. Structure is an important aspect used by mostly everyone. Whether it is used in shaping someone into someone better, forming an outline for an essay, running an organization, or even the basics of where to start when building a house, structure always remains helpful. The idea of structure is not meant to help you one hundred percent but it gives you a gist of the route you should be taking to achieve something successfully. Whether we notice it or not, structure is the starting root of something and it helps to guide a situation in order to avoid chaos. …show more content…

The number of mentally ill criminals has been increasing instead of decreasing, which would lead to the obvious conclusion that there is something wrong. During the deinstitutionalization movement, the populations of mental state hospitals decreased nearly ninety percent. The number of psychiatric patients went from 550,000 to 61,700 within the years 1956 and 1996 (Adams,1). This resulted in more patients being released into the community without the direct care and treatment that they need. The institutions are at fault and made a mistake in releasing mentally ill people without fully determining whether or not they are fit for society. Later on in further years, mentally ill people are found caught up in the criminal’s justice system and it continues to be that more inmates with mental illness are joining the criminal system as

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