Why Do Guns Should Be Allowed In Schools

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Imagine shopping at your local convenience store, and someone walks up to the register demanding money. After taking all of that, they point a gun at you and demand for your wallet too. Wouldn’t you want someone else in the store to stop this person, or for you to have a means to protect yourself? In this essay, I will convince you why permitted Americans should have, and continue their right to conceal and carry. I will start off by discussing some current US regulations to owning and carrying a firearm in public. Following this, I will discuss some mass murders that have occurred in schools that could have been avoided if guns were allowed in the school. After that, I will tell you that teachers and higher education students should be permitted to conceal and carry. And I will finish my essay by stating some statistics about gun deaths in the United States. Let me begin by clarifying …show more content…

While staying out of site and out of reach of students, this will allow parents to know that their kids are safe when they are sent to school. And it will make the teacher’s job of protecting their students much easier. With the knowledge that staff is carrying, the number of school shootings will go done. South Dakota legislatures have already passed a law to allow staff and volunteers to carry on school premises. Their reasoning to allow this in their schools is because their research shows that most school shootings occur in areas where firearms are prohibited. ("Arming Teachers, Protecting Students."). The author reassures disbelievers that these volunteers and staff will have been approved by either the sheriff or the police chief and will have had the same firearm training as law enforcement. This is the equivalent to having multiple police officers at every school to help protect children when the police force is spread too thin to post their

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