Why Do Greasers Bad

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The fight at the lot was brutal, with the Greasers coming out on top. They fought for Johnny who was in the hospital. Greasers are more of a disgrace to the society than Socs. For instance many Greasers often got in trouble with the law. For example Greasers stole things (pg.3). Greasers were poor so therefore they stole so they could have things. Also Greasers had gang fights once in awhile (pg.3). Greasers didn’t really know any other way of taking care of things, than by fighting. Trouble was involved in a Greasers life very often. Dally always found away to get himself in trouble. Dally robbed a grocery store after Johnny died (pg.153). Dally didn’t really know what to do with himself after Johnny died in front of him. Also

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