A Comparison Of The Socs And Greasers In The Outsiders

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In the story The Outsiders by SE Hinton a comparison of the socs and the greasers that show similarities and differences. The first similarity is that the greasers and the socs are both gangs. Also they both like to drink and smoke, both of the gangs also cause allot trouble,both of the gangs have there own problems . And also most of them are teens. The socs and greasers are different. The socs like to wear Madras blue shorts and they are also very wealthy. Also the socs have very expensive cars they have mustangs and corvairs, the socs like to fight with knives and beer bottles they like to jump the people they are fighting. Also The socs live on the west side. The greasers like to fight with punches they like to fight straight up. Also

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