Unsung Heroes: A Study of The Outsiders

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A Hero A hero is someone that you look up to, someone who goes out of their way to help you or others at their expense. Hero’s, to me, are those who unexpectedly help you, because no one thinks they can because of who they are and where they come from. To me, hero’s possess qualities such as loyalty, courage, and kindness. A lot of people judge others based on the clothes they wear or their style of hair, but after reading this book, I feel that those stereotypes can be disproved by the three Greasers, Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy- Curtis from “The Outsiders”, who to me, are heros. They can all be considered heroes because of some of their actions and choices they made throughout the book. Ponyboy Curtis is a hero, in my opinion. One reason is a hero is because he stayed with Johnny to keep him company when he was afraid to go home because his parents were fighting. To me, this shows loyalty. Another reason he is a hero is because he stood up for Johnny and himself when the Socs came and jumped them. Ponyboy did not want them stomping all over the two of them again, even if it meant he could possible …show more content…

He ran into the burning building with Ponyboy and Johnny. He helped save multiple children from the burning church, and lead them to safety. After they got all the children out of the fire, Dally noticed that Johnny and Pony were still inside. Dally climbed backed into the fire, grabbed Ponyboy and helped him outside, suffering only burns to his face. Dally then climbed back into the fire to pull out Johnny while the church was collapsing. Although Dally made it out of the fire with only one burnt arm, Johnny still passed away a few days later. Dally was so upset, he couldn’t accept that his best friend was gone. Dally was so angry that he robbed a store and ended up getting shot by police officers. Although he wasn’t perfect, Dally showed all three of my hero qualities; loyalty, courage, and kindness. Dally too, died a

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