Why Do Ancient People Build Huge Pyramids?

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The architectural style most firmly associated with Egypt is the Pyramid, consisting of a square base and four sloping triangular faces with angled sides, first built in the Fourth Dynasty (2575-2450 BCE). However, the Great Pyramids of Giza has been the most famous worldwide; even though they were not the first of its kind to be built. These tomb pyramids have been the subject of strong winds of speculation and serious research for centuries. Built by three successive Kings (King Khufu, Khafre and Menakaure), every spectator is awed by the gigantism of these magnificent monuments. The largest pyramid is incorporated of nearly 2.3 million cut stone blocks, each block weighing averagely 2.5 tons. With an overwhelming approximate height of 147 …show more content…

Opposing arguers still asks “why would the ancient Egyptians or any ancient people build such huge mausoleums just to bury their kings?” These people believes that the only “sensible” theory that explains all the missing answers is that supernatural powers such as aliens must have been involved. However it’s vital to understand the ancient Egyptians and their culture at this point, in order to answer these questions. Ancient Egyptians believed that everything good that happened to them, from the annual flooding of the Nile to the safety from invasions by foreigners to the regular change of season as well as the orderly protection from the aggressive forces in the universe was affirmatively due to the King’s actions (Shaw, 2000, p.92). If this was the priority that they gave for their Kings, why wouldn’t they build gigantic monuments as their final resting grounds? When one understands the culture of the Egyptian civilization it’s not so hard to imagine why they created such masterpieces. To me, the probable chances are that if aliens ever existed, it never visited Earth, and if it ever visited Earth, it makes every less sense why they would build these monuments on Earth and just vanish. Clearly, the pyramids were built by the Egyptians as symbolic locations for the deceased king’s divine journey to the After-life. The ancient names that were given to the pyramids like “Khufu’s Horizon, “Great is Khafre” and “Menakaure is divine” that were found on ancient inscriptions proves that the only reason these pyramids were built were to serve as final tributes to the Kings, and not some Alien Project (Maitland,

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