Why Did The Us Get Out Of The War So Fast?

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Atomic bomb is what helped us out with WWII in Hiroshima, Japan. And the atomic bomb was used to speed up the ending of the war with the United States in japan. In my research paper i an going to tell you about why they would use the atomic bomb for the war. What myself would tell the reader is how the war was impacted on the atomic bomb and how much casualties the atomic bomb has done to most people, and how it impacted on most people in the 1900’s to 1950’s. Why did the United States use a atomic bomb in world war II. Why did the United states want to get out of the war so fast? The United States never wanted to be in world war II.They never wanted to deal with the Japanese. And everything that there allies like Germany, and Italy. Germany, Italy, and Japan declared war on the United States after pearl harbor. Until 1941 when Japan attacked pearl harbor. …show more content…

The United States wanted to try and stay out of the war because they didn’t want to join in and start spending a lot of money.The United States didn’t want to get into war with Germany we just wanted to stay neutral.The United States stayed out of the war until adolf hitler declared war on the United States. Why did the United States use the atomic bomb instead of regular bombs. One major part is how many more people it could hurt so the could prevent the japanese from attacking the United States in 1941. One reason why the United States didn’t use the regular is because the hit the United States with a surprise attack.The allies won the war in europe and was moving to defeat japan. How many people died of got hurt from the atomic bomb in

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