Why Did The Roman Empire Grow Throughout The Mediterranean

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The Roman Empire began its expanse throughout the Mediterranean world in the year 350 B.C., not completing their conquest until 133 B.C. (Hamric). The conquering of the Mediterranean gave Rome economic and militaristic power that allowed them to become a mighty empire. The Roman foreign policy allowing the expanse throughout the Mediterranean can be analyzed through three phases: unifying Italy, the Punic Wars, and the Hellenistic Kingdoms (Hamric). The first phase of Roman expansion involved unifying Italy. Before the Romans involved themselves in the rest of Italy, the peninsula was made of numerous city-states. Rome would go its neighboring city-states and give them two options: “...join us or die…” (Hamric). The vast majority of nations …show more content…

Carthage was the top trading and naval power in the Mediterranean (Hamric). The first war began as a result of trade disputes. Fought mostly at sea, the first war was dominated by Carthage in the early stages. However, the persistence of Rome helped them recover. After Rome built its navy, it was able to defeat Carthage in the first war, gaining control over all of Carthage’s “...Sicilian lands…” (Book, 114). The Second Punic War lasted from 218 to 202 B.C., beginning after Carthage attempted to expand into Spain. Rome received this as a threat and declared war. Carthaginian commander Hannibal raised an army in Spain and marched into Italy. The struggle between Rome and Hannibal ended when a Roman general, Publius Cornelius Scipio, met and defeated Hannibal near Carthage in Africa (Book, 114). In the aftermath of the second war, Carthage abandoned all but the city and was forced to pay steep reparations. When Rome demanded that the Carthaginians leave the city and settle near the sea, Carthage refused, beginning the third and final Punic War. The Romans quickly took the city of Carthage, killing or enslaving all the inhabitants (Book, 114). After the Punic Wars, “…Carthage ceases to exist…” (Hamric). Roman also gained many new provinces which did not have independence, such as its allies, and improved the Roman economy. The victories in the Punic Wars assisted Rome in its domination of the Mediterranean world and would serve as “…a warning to Rome’s other potential enemies.” (Book,

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