Why Become A Pediatric Technician Essay

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Jobs in the medical field are of the few jobs that are hirning at an alarming rate. However, that does not mean that they are easy to get. They are indeed something that takes hard work and dedication. Everyday I make sure my priorities are in line so I can have a better chance at pursuing my life goal of becoming a pediatrictian. When I was seven years old my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I did not understand what was going on because I was so young. I can remember thinking why is so much of my time being spent here and why cant my mom and I just go home already. Gradually I began to notice that something was not right and that she was undoubtebly sick. I also realized that the people in the white jackets and blue scrubs had something to do with her getting better. Day by day I watched as her health came back to normal. I was very appreciative of the doctors and nurses that where there by her side every step of the way. Today my mom is an eleven year breast cancer survior. The doctors and nurses inspired me to want to be in a position similar as them being able to help someone at their lowest point return to a reasonable health and strength. Since I was seven I knew I would be a doctor. After my mom was back home …show more content…

I will have to spend many years in school to accomplish my goal. Before I even understood the concept of money my grandparents bought me savings bomds for Christmas and even opened me a savings account. Money is tight but I still mange to get an allowance. Of that allowance there is a precent I am excpected to save and give in church. Although I did not understand at first why I had to save. I know now that saving money can help you with varoius things. The most important thing being able to become finantually independent and paying for unforseen expenses. Going to school will cost but eventually I will be able to pay for it because of my sucessful

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