College: An Unexpected Journey of Self-Discovery

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College was never an option for me at all, I was going to pick up a trade and just get a good paying job and just live according to my money and not above my means, but then I started to watch my older sister go to college and I observed how she did and what she did to pass and succeed in her education. She studied and never gave up, when she got in college that was the best she ever done and it got me thinking well maybe I can succeed if I go to college and just study as hard as I can when I decide to go off to school but she wasn’t the only person that sparked my interest, no not at all. Another reason why I had started looking at going to college is because of a program called Genesysworks, they had inspired me to go to school and further my education, which was best for me to do anyways, I didn’t want to be a person who was not educated especially as a young woman. College was my best option when I had decided what I wanted to with my career goals in my life and how I wanted to use my gift to start a career and that was singing …show more content…

She persevered through school and made it through and is still in school working on her masters so I am thankful for her telling me about school and what to expect when going in, she told me to focus, stay out of confusion, and study because doing that will help you pass and not waste your money nor your time. She said “Going to college is the greatest thing she had done because now she can have a degree and she can have more stability in her life and that was the best thing I could have heard coming from my sister and I have been motivated ever

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