Who Was Responsible For The Destruction Of The Titanic

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The morality of leadership in marine disasters is a contentious issue, with a variety of popular ideals having arisen from well-publicized maritime disasters such as the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912. For instance, it is a commonly held belief that “women and children first” was the norm in ship evacuation, as Captain Smith demonstrated in his emergency procedure. However, the popularity of the Titanic disaster may have instigated the generalization that all ships tended to evacuate in a chivalry-based manner. This investigation seeks to determine whether there was an expected moral code in ship disasters, and if so, what it was. Specifically, this paper will focus on the wreck of the RMS Atlantic in Nova Scotia, in 1873. The wreck of …show more content…

Williams’ conduct demonstrates an expectation of captains’ behaviour aboard doomed vessels. Moreover, the investigation will probe the details of Captain Williams’ survival to determine whether or not the “captain goes down with his ship” values held true during that time period. The study will examine the Canadian government’s official inquiry, which was completed in Halifax a fortnight after the disaster occurred. The inquiry comprises the captain’s statement, crew and passenger testimony. The government also heard from local lighthouse keepers and citizens familiar with the Nova Scotian shoreline. As the ship’s record books were all lost in the destruction of the ship, the eyewitness testimony obtained through interviews formed the backbone of the government’s investigation. These sources, along with relevant secondary literature, will determine whether there was an implicit moral code for the captain and crew members during the evacuation of a ship in peril. Hence, the specific question directing the research process seeks to determine how the Canadian government’s inquiry of the wreck of the RMS Atlantic demonstrated societal and governmental values with regard to conduct in marine

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