Who Was Responsible For The Conspiracy Of Julius Caesar

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Have you ever had a hard choice to make, and at the time it seemed stupid or bad, but later you realize you made the good choice? Most of us have. This is what Brutus went through in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. He joined a conspiracy to kill the up and coming tyrant leader- Julius Caesar. Brutus clearly made the right choice, but others think he did the wrong thing. Overall, he had many good reasons to join this conspiracy, even though in the end, he paid for it with his life. First of all, the conspiracy needed him to keep from looking like an offensive group that was just out to murder in cold blood. They also desperately needed leadership. “O, he sits high in all the people’s hearts, and that which would appear offense in us his countenance, like richest alchemy, will change to virtue and worthiness.”( 1218) This highlights the fact that even the brains behind the conspiracy- Cassius, admitted that Brutus was needed for the conspiracy. This …show more content…

Seeing Caesar as leader would have left Rome in disaster. “But I am as constant as the North Star”(1241). Caesar says this when arguing with Metellus Cimber, saying that he is constant and that he is very strong. This quote shows he is ambitious and thought too highly of himself. Caesar saw himself above all other people and emotions. “Danger knows full well that Caesar is more dangerous than he”(1232) This is said by Caesar to Decius Brutus when Decius tries to get Caesar to come to the capital. This quote proves that Caesar puts himself above danger itself, showing how dangerous his ambition is. For Caesar to say that he is better than danger is very ambitious is very arrogant and shows he is unstable and nor wise, therefore, being a bad leader. Even though some might say that Caesar was only making a comparison and not being serious, they have not seen the context around these quotes, for Caesar has no reason to exaggerate or

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