Who Is To Blame For Lisa's Murder?

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It is a cold, rainy Wednesday in Madrid, Spain. A girl name Lisa has been murdered it is a mystery trying to find who killed her. Lisa was found lying dead in her bedroom at 8:00 in the morning. Their has been no clear evidence to who committed the crime. The Madrid Police assign two officers to the investigation to the murder of Lisa. The two best police officers are assigned to the scene, Jorge and Jose. They use the method of "good police officer, bad police officer", when they solve their crimes. Jorge is the good police officer, he is always is polite and kind to all the suspects and criminals. Jose is the bad police officer, he acts cruel and aggressive towards each suspect. Jorge and Jose go to the scene of the murder, they find their …show more content…

Miguel proves that he was at a soccer game by showing the police a ticket. This evidence is not enough to prove his innocence. Miguel also shows a picture of him at the soccer game. This evidence is enough to prove that he was not around during the time the murder was committed. Jorge goes around the neighborhood, he uses his nice and polite manners for more clues. One neighbor tells Jorge, that there was a plumber fixing Lisa's sink the day before. Jorge and Jose find the plumber and bring him to the police station for interrogations. Jose continues to be very cruel when questioning the suspects, he hits the plumber. The causes the plumber to hit back, this retaliation causes him the be the number one suspect. The plumber has evidence and calls the client whose toilet he fixed after he went to Lisa's house. The date on the check the client paid the plumber with proves that the morning Lisa was killed the plumber was working at another house. Jorge and Jose go back to Lisa's neighborhood asking if the recognize any of the criminals they had on their suspect list. One lady says she doesn't recognize any one on the list, but she yells I recognize him, pointing at

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