Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is unified by various themes throughout the work. The plot is driven by two major themes in particular: honor and ritual. Honor is the motivation for several of the characters to behave in certain manners, as honor plays a key role in Colombian culture. There were repercussions for dishonorable acts and similarly, there were rewards for honorable ones. Also, ritual is a vital element within the work that surrounds the story line’s central crime: Santiago Nasar’s death. In the course of Garcia Marquez’s work, the importance of respect was revealed to be taken almost sacredly in the characters’ Columbian culture. Honor was viewed as a crucial piece of one’s morality. Without honor, one was considered an outcast in society. For example, Angela Vicario was sent home on her wedding night because she was not a virgin. As a result, her mother beat Angela for invoking dishonor upon the family. Angela explains to the narrator, “‘I wasn’t crying because of the blows or anything that had happened… I was crying because of him,’“(P. 91, Garcia). Angela acknowledged that her impurity was reprehensible, therefore she accepted her mother’s thrashing. Her immoral actions led to a failed marriage and scorn upon her family, as well as her husband, Bayardo San Roman. Much in the same way, Angela’s twin brothers, Pablo and Pedro Vicario accepted it as their moral duty to kill the man who supposedly stole Angela’s virginity, Santiago Nasar. In reference to their planned act of murder, one of the twins said, “’There’s no way out of this... It’s as if it already happened,’” (P. 61, Garcia). The twins viewed killing Santiago as a one way street because the murder was the only option... ... middle of paper ... ...eying his influence, not necessarily love. Dignity was also a centralized theme in which the entire plot was based upon. Angela striped her family’s integrity from them when she slept with Santiago and her brothers regained it by killing the criminal. Garcia also used magical realism as the literary style to help conceive why the supernatural was perceived as the norm for the characters. An allegory, Garcia wove the crucifixion story into the novel. Santiago clothed in white linen, was killed in front of an unsupportive crowd, as well as stabbed in the hands first, exactly as Christ was. The presentation, in depth, enriched ,my understanding of the novel through knowledge of the Columbian culture, the novel’s time period, central themes, and magical realism. Works Cited Garcia Marquez, Gabriel . Chronicle of a Death Foretold, trans. Vintage Book, 1982. Print.

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