Who Is To Blame For Bruno's Death

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Bruno's death. The most tragic part of “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”. The part where EVERYONE shed tears. Who is it to blame for Bruno's and Shmuel's death? Is it the father. He was the commander of Auschwitz, where they countless numbers of jews in gas chambers. Bruno and Shmuel were also killed in a gas chamber. On other hand was it Bruno, himself that is the reason he died. That his loyalty to his friendship got him killed. Nevertheless, was Pavel and Shmuel. They could told him how horrible the camp was. They knew what trouble they could bump into in Auschwitz. First of all, Bruno’s father Ralf was the commandant of Auschwitz or as Bruno calls it “Out-With”. He ordered the jews that were killed with Bruno. He knew this was no place …show more content…

The reason he went to the other side of the fence was his loyalty and friendship to Shmuel. After, Bruno does not stand up to Lieutenant Kotler. He is ashamed. “‘I’m very sorry, Shmuel… I can’t believe I didn’t tell him the truth I’ve never let a friend down like that before. Shmuel, I’m ashamed of myself.’” (p.175) He does not want to lose his friend, therefore he helps Shmuel find Shmuel’s father. Bruno never knew about the gas chambers. Even when they went to the gas chambers, which they did not know where gas chambers, he said “‘I expect that we’ll have to wait here till [the rain] ease off.” He never knew that they were going to get …show more content…

So why did they not warn Bruno about it? Pavel was never allowed to talk to talk to Bruno. He was just supposed to peel vegetables and help around. He was not even supposed to put bandages on Bruno, when Bruno hurt himself. It never came to Pavels mind that Bruno would end up in the gas chamber. Why would? He is just a kid. He has no reason to go the other side of the fence. What about Shmuel? He was the one who asked Bruno to come and help find his dad. When they went for the march he never knew where they went. He never knew about the gas chambers. Moreover, if he knew that asking his only best friend, Bruno to do something Shmuel knew that would get Bruno killed. Would he do it? NO, of course

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