Who Is Oedipus A Hero

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The first quality that describes Oedipus the king as a hero is due to not knowing the truth of his life. When the story began of how king Laius was murdered at a place called Phocis, where three roads met. Oedipus was determined to discover the murderer of king Laius.“I’ll start again-I’ll bring it all to light myself! Apollo is right, and so are you, Creon, to turn our attention back to the murdered man.” line 150. Oedipus is explaining to Creon, Jocasta's brother that he will find and punish the murderer of king Laius. As Oedipus and Tiresias began to communicates the truth has come out. Teiresias knows the true murderer of king Laius. Teiresias began to accuse the king of the murder. Oedipus is shocked and appalled due to this acquisition.“I think I’ve just called down a dreadful curse upon myself-I simply didn’t know!” line 820. …show more content…

Oedipus began to search more deeply into the truth. Every detailed mattered to the king. While speaking to Jocasta had opened Oedipus eyes on the day he had confronted the king of Thebes.“And so you shall-I can hold nothing back from you, now I’ve reached this pitch of dark foreboding. Who means more to me than you? Tell me, whom would I turn toward but you as I go through all this?” line 850. King Oedipus began to reveal the meaningful reasons why he had left Corinth. When Oedipus left Corinth behind his parents Polybus the king of Corinth and mother Dorian were left behind as well. Apollo has mentioned to Oedipus,‘“ You are fated to couple with your mother, you will bring a breed of children into the light no man can bear to see and you will kill your father the one who gave you life!” line 850. With that being said to Oedipus, he had left Corinth, because he despised to kill his father and couple with his mother. And from his journey on to Thebes leaving Corinth, he had killed the king of

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