Sacrifice In Sophocles Oedipus The King

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In Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, the reader finds Oedipus as an overzealous king, but one that cares deeply for the people who are under his rule. After solving the mystery of the Sphinx and under the belief that he has escaped the prophecy of killing his father and marrying his mother, Oedipus’ self-confidence goes into over drive. His compassion, for the pain and suffering his people are under, causes him to pronounce a curse on the murderer of Laius. Unknown to the king, he is condemning himself for the crime he committed years ago.
In the beginning of the play, Oedipus could see perfectly with his natural eyes. However, he was blinded to the person he actually was, an incestuous murderer and a complete fulfillment of the prophecy made years ago. After deep contemplation of Jocasta’s story of her husband’s murder, Oedipus begins to realize that he is the one responsible for taking the life of Laius. As this realization sinks in, Oedipus makes known to the reader that he is willing to accept the fate of the curse he has brought on himself as the person accused of doing the evil act. Oedipus will be the one “no citizen welcomes to his house” (206, 903). Unfortunately …show more content…

This is the foundation for why Oedipus was blinded to his fate. Though Tiresias, the blind prophet, lacks the ability to see with his natural eyes, he possesses an insight into the lives of others. Oedipus believes his act of self-blinding was a justification and payment for his actions. It required a blind man to show Oedipus his own blind state of the tragic fate that was set before him. Oedipus believes his act of self-blinding was a payment for his actions he did according to his destiny. Now, he is no longer in a state to inflict plagues and heartbreak on those around him. Oedipus the king, now Oedipus the commoner, pays the ultimate price for the deeds he has done, permanent exile from those he loves and holds

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