Who Is Julius Caesar Tragic Hero

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If you look at the story of Julius Caesar and think that the tragic hero of this piece of literature then I would have to disagree with you and say that it was actually Brutus because if you look at the story then you would see that Caesar actually died fairley early and we didn’t see much of him but he was the reason that everything went downhill from when the conspirators killed him. And although Caesar did have the qualities of being the tragic hero he was met with death very early in act 3. So with that I think that Brutus was the tragic hero even though it’s called Julius Caesar. Now Julius Caesar did qualify to be the tragic hero but he died too early and the entire story carried on but it was connected to him and the events that happen. And although the story is named after him I don’t think that he was the tragic hero of this story. But Brutus was there the entire time and it focused on a little more on him than it did Caesar. Especially when Julius died it focused in Brutus and the conspirators and it ended with Brutus dead. Brutus wasn’t really the bad guy in the story since he …show more content…

And his I think that his “weakness” was that he was easily manipulated by the conspirtors since they wanted to take out Caesar out of jealousy. And they convince Brutus that Caesar was a bad guy so that they can use him to persuade the people that they did it for the good of rome. And in the story of Julius Caesar it says that Brutus was a good man when they made an entire speech for his funeral that said in the end, “He only, in a general honest thought. And common good to all, made one of them. His life was gentle, and the elements so mix'd in him that Nature might stand up. And say to all the world 'This was a man!' So this proves that although he did kill Caesar he was a good

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