Who Is John Nash A Victim Of Schizophrenia?

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Introduction Most of us would certainly have already seen the 2001 movie, "A Beautiful Mind» where, Rassell Crowe embodies the character of John Nash. But who is John Nash? A genius mathematician with contributions in game theory, partial differential equations and differential geometry. He had proved a complex but yet a necessary understanding how these systems work in almost every aspect of our everyday lives. For his works he has been awarded the Nobel Prize of Economics in 1994. But what special about him? John Nash was victim of a long term schizophrenia in which started after his marriage with his wife, Alicia Lopez-Harrison de Lardé. After a long battle with the specific abnormal psychological disorder he fully accepts and learns to live between logic and absurdity, leaving essentially hallucinations to "play" in the background of his everyday life. The story is believed to be the results of imagination of some people. John Nash is real life example until today is the modern economic theory has gotten a lot of ideas and principles from those who first thought the Nash had an admittedly "weird" mind. But the most interesting fact and point of this story that a mental disorder like schizophrenia does not discriminate against nobody or a brilliant (or “beautiful”) mind like John Nash. His …show more content…

His father was a graduate in applied electrical engineering and formerly had fought in the Second World War as a lieutenant in the supply services in front of France. His mother, Margaret Virginia Martin was born in Bluefield, studied at the University of Western Virginia, and before her marriage she worked as an English and Latin teacher. During her life suffered partial hearing loss due to an earlier illness which caused high fever. Both parents came to Bluefield from West Carolina. He also had a half years younger sister,

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