Who Is Bryan Dik Persuasive Essay

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In the Bryan Dik’s persuasive essay Career Choice: Easy for Superheroes, Hard for Us: Spider-Man and the Power of Person-Environment Fit, he attempts to make the claim that superheroes have an easier time falling into an occupation that fits their unique characteristics and specific superpowers. In addition, it may be more difficult for those of us who do not have superpowers to find a rewarding career that both compliments and fits our values, and the strengths of our personality. A person may spend years in a career that does not line up with who they are; being that their personality is contradictory to the interests and values of the company or corporation. Although they may have some relative success, it may lead a person to develop a feeling of dissatisfaction, or even a moral opposition to the goals that their employer are trying to achieve. …show more content…

Given that the number one objective that corporations are after is profit above all else, and the main expectation of a salesman is to bring in sales for the corporation, this makes the objective of actually helping people find an automobile that will improve their quality of life come in at least in second place by default. Many times, car salesman are tempted to make a sale to person, even though they know the person cannot actually afford the vehicle, to achieve both their quota of sales for the company and also to make their commission. While some may have no problem at all doing this, the person we are imagining may be left feeling that his job requirements go against his moral and ethical standards; as well as a feeling that he could be doing something else that benefits people in a greater

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