Emotion Rhetorical Analysis

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People make purchases on the basis of emotion rather than logic. I believe out of my experience that people decide to buy something not because it serves them a purpose but because it feels right to them. After this first stage of buying I know for sure that people start to think of logic to justify their decision to themselves. So it becomes extremely important for a salesperson to make an emotional connection between their prospects and themselves. I make sure that every time I have a prospect I will make a personal connection with that particular prospect. The whole idea behind it is used to generate an interest that touches them internally. This way I made sure that my time is not wasted and I am able to sell more over a selling spree. Therefore, it becomes extremely important for you as a salesperson to close deals on the basis of the emotions rather than selling with logic.
Selling with emotions becomes an important aspect of your life if you are an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur you got to pitch your product with emotional touch. When you are on the stage and your convincing your audience your convincing them with your emotional speeches. The features are not enough if you got to sell you got to connect with your primary market. Your …show more content…

Therefore I believe that every new business that comes into the market got to create imagery based on emotional aspects of the target market. If the consumer does not feel the need then definitely they are not going to buy. What I believe is the most important thing in selling is not fulfilling the needs of the consumer but making them to want your product more irrespective of their needs. This way any sales person would be able to sell without even having to create a market for the product in the first place. You got to give the consumers what they want and not just what they need. It's all about creating the demand out of a non-existent

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