The Father Short Story

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When A Father’s Love Has No Limits

“The Father” by Carolyn Osborn is a story about Darwin and Casey, a couple who meet and begin a whirlwind love affair. This love affair leads to an unexpected pregnancy. Casey, the mother, leaves when the baby is just one month old only to return when the child is three years old. Soon, Darwin is caught in a court battle for custody of a son. Two days before the court date, Darwin discovers he is not the biological father of the child. This makes no difference to Darwin as he has loved and cared for the child since he was born. The central idea of this story is that sometimes the best parent isn’t always the biological parent. In this story Casey, the biological mother, leaves her one month old baby Davy, with his grandmother one day and never returns. During her absence, Darwin takes care of little Davy. Darwin has never had a child and while he has his mother to help with care in the daytime while he is working, Darwin assumes the role of a single father. Darwin knows he is solely responsible for Davy and does the very best he can. After three years pass, Casey comes back and wants to have Davy back. Rightfully so, Darwin refuses to just give in …show more content…

Darwin knew in most custody battles, the mother of the child usually received primary custody of the child. Given Casey’s impulsive tendencies, Darwin knew this could mean he would never see Davy again. In a rare moment of fear and weakness during the court hearing, Darwin considers taking Davy away to Mexico or Canada. The thought of not being with his son scares Darwin and he cannot imagine life without him. Luckily, the judge realizes that Darwin is the best parent for little Davy and awards Darwin primary custody. The judge recognizes that even though Darwin is not Davy’s biological father, Darwin’s love for Davy makes him the best parent for

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