What's Wrong With What We Eat By Mark Bittman Summary

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Eat your Fruits and Vegetables
The Western diet is the source of most chronic health diseases and cancers. With all of the highly processed food we put into our bodies, the highly processed food is contributing to chronic health issues. In “What’s Wrong with What We Eat”, Mark Bittman, a reputable cookbook author and journalist, educates his audience about how the Western Diet is causing a major health epidemic in America. According to Bittman, we don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, and it’s detrimentally affecting our health. Bittman claims that, “There’s no question, none, that so-called lifestyle diseases – diabetes, heart disease, stroke, some cancers – are far more prevalent here than anywhere in the rest of the world. That’s the direct …show more content…

Bittman points out why the Western diet is causing all sorts of health issues, by explaining the western diet consists of highly processed food such as, refined carbohydrates, sugars, meat, and dairy. Many people are uninformed of what highly processed food can do to their bodies, due to the lack of education in nutrition. By all means, there is compelling evidence that proves the link of highly processed foods to the cause of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, cancers, and so on. For example, Ottobonis conducted a research study that disputed the validity of the “Heart Healthy Diet”, claiming that promoting a low fat, high carbohydrate diet is only promoting high sugar intake, refined carbohydrates, and omega-6 fats that all can lead to chronic health conditions. To put it differently, people are consuming more refined carbohydrates rather than complex carbohydrates. Healthy, complex carbohydrates would be fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains, they are all full of fiber that helps people feel full for a longer period of time rather than refined carbohydrates would do. Fibrous food helps prevent spikes in the blood sugar levels. Refined carbohydrates are highly processed foods such as; white bread, pastas, added sugars, and so

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